Terms & Conditions

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澳门赌场官网来到D.C. 酒吧的网站. 本使用条款与条件协议(“协议”)是您与D.C. 并管理您在D上的所有交易和活动,以及所有其他使用.C. 酒吧网站在woohoo.theinnovatorsja.com(“网站”). Use of the website is also governed by the D.C. 酒吧私隐政策, 该协议已通过此引用并入本协议,并可在 http://woohoo.theinnovatorsja.com/privacy-policy. 通过使用网站, you agree to be bound by this Agreement, regardless of whether or not you are a member of the D.C. Bar.

Please read this Agreement with care. 如果你不同意, 您应立即离开本网站,并立即停止使用本网站提供的服务.


Materials contained on this website (“Content”) are protected by law, including international trademark and copyright laws, 提供对内容的访问的条件是,该内容仅可用于个人, 非商业用途. The D.C. Bar授予你有限的, revocable, 在您的计算机或其他电子设备上复制和显示内容(不包括任何软件代码)的不可再许可许可,仅供您在浏览本网站时个人使用. 这意味着您只能从本网站查看或下载内容供您自己使用, 并且您必须将所有版权和其他所有权声明附在下载的内容上.

The D.C. Bar进一步授予你有限的, revocable, 为您个人打印或下载本网站内容的不可再许可许可, 非商业使用, including 非商业使用 by members of the D.C. Bar, 政府实体, law firms, 非营利组织, provided that such use is for the purposes of complying with D.C. 澳门赌场官网公会规则及程序, reporting, teaching, 奖学金, 或者法律合规, 并且所使用的内容的数量和实质性与网站上同类内容相比是最小的, 并且其使用对内容的潜在市场或价值仅产生最小的经济影响.

In no event may information about members of the D.C. Bar, including, 但不限于, addresses, 电话号码, 或者电子邮件地址, be copied, collected, compiled, scraped, linked, 或以其他方式从本网站取用,并在未经本署事先书面许可的情况下用作商业用途.C. Bar. 任何此类商业用途的许可请求应直接向下述版权代理提出.

同样,在任何情况下,未经D方明确事先书面同意,您不得.C. Bar,

  • 复制、分发或下载本网站的任何内容用于任何其他目的;
  • Modify any Content on this website for any reason,
  • 将本网站的任何内容包含在其他网站或其他作品中,除非美国法律允许.S.C. § 107, or
  • Frame any Content on this website.

The Content protected by this Agreement includes, 但不限于, all personal contact information of D.C. 澳门赌场官网协会会员及D.C. Bar staff, any text, graphics, logos, icons, 链接按钮, 照片, 音频或视频资料, or stills from audiovisual material available on the website.


The D.C. 酒吧的网站 is designed for educational and informational purposes only. The information contained on the D.C. 酒吧网站不是也不打算传达法律意见,也不构成法律实务. You should not rely on the information on this website as a substitute for, 它也不能代替, 专业法律意见. If you have any concerns or questions about a legal matter, you should consult with a licensed lawyer for personal legal advice. The D.C. Bar不对您基于本网站提供的信息所采取的任何行动或不作为负责. 对本网站或其任何内容的使用并不与司法部建立澳门赌场官网-客户关系.C. 澳门赌场官网协会或其任何成员.


The D.C. Bar is not responsible for the conduct, 无论是在线还是离线, of any user of the website or any other person. With respect to the website, the D.C. Bar assumes no responsibility for any error, defect, 中断, deletion, delay in operation or transmission, theft, 通信线路故障, 或者销毁数据, 或任何未经授权的访问, 或…的变化, 任何通信. Under no circumstances will the D.C. Bar be responsible for any loss or damage resulting from any use of the website, any content posted on the website by or transmitted to, 或者任何相互作用, 本网站的任何用户, 无论是在线还是离线. The D.C. 横条都不代表, warrants, covenants, guarantees, nor promises any specific results from use of the website.

该网站, 包括其中包含的任何内容或信息或与之相关的任何服务或建议, IS PROVIDED “AS IS” WITH NO REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND, 明示或暗示, INCLUDING, 但不限于, IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, 适合某一特定目的, 并无侵犯. 您承担使用本网站及网站相关服务的所有责任和风险.


如果您认为本网站上的任何材料侵犯了您的版权, 你应该通知D.C. Bar of your copyright infringement claim. The D.C. Bar将处理其收到的涉嫌侵权的通知,并将根据数字千年版权法(DMCA)和其他适用的知识产权法的要求采取适当的行动.

DMCA要求版权侵权的通知应发送给本网站的指定代理, 谁是它的版权代理人, K街1101号, Suite 200, Washington, DC 20005 (attention Karen Savranksy, 高级管理澳门赌场官网).

The notification must be in writing and contain the following information:

  1. 被授权代表据称被侵犯的专有权所有者行事的人的物理或电子签名;
  2. Identification of the copyrighted work claimed to have been infringed, or, 如果一个在线网站上的多个版权作品被一个通知覆盖, a representative list of such works at that site;
  3. 确定声称侵权或侵权活动主体的材料,并将其移除或禁止其访问, 以及足以让服务提供者定位该材料的合理的信息;
  4. 足以让服务提供者与投诉方取得联系的合理资料, 比如地址, 电话号码, and, 如果可用, an email address at which the complaining party may be contacted;
  5. 一份声明,表明投诉方真诚地相信以被投诉的方式使用该材料未经版权所有人授权, its agent, or the law; and
  6. A statement that the information in the notification is accurate, 并以伪证罪处罚, 申诉方被授权代表据称受到侵犯的专有权的所有人行事.

当您使用本网站或其内容时,本协议将保持完全有效, notwithstanding anything herein to the contrary, this Agreement will remain in effect after your status as a user is terminated. The D.C. 如果您违反本协议或您的任何威胁行为,Bar有权终止任何访问权, harms, 威胁, 或以其他方式损害D.C. 澳门赌场官网协会或其成员.


本协议, as accepted upon use of the website, contains the entire agreement between you and the D.C. Bar regarding the use of the website. If any provision of this Agreement is held invalid, the remainder of this Agreement shall continue in full force and effect.

If you believe that any information about you on the D.C. 酒吧的网站 is not accurate, please contact the D.C. Bar and explain the specific nature of your concerns.

有关本协议的任何争议,必须首先提请甲方注意.C. Bar. All litigation arising out of this Agreement or the D.C. 酒吧的网站 may be brought only in the courts in the District of Columbia. 通过使用本网站, you are purposefully availing yourself of this jurisdiction, 您特此同意接受哥伦比亚特区法院的管辖权.

本协议 may be modified by the D.C. Bar in its sole discretion from time to time, 该等修改将可能成为本协议的一部分,并在订约方发布后生效.C. 网站上的酒吧, 前提是先前的协议将继续约束您过去对本网站的使用. Further use of the website will be subject to any such modifications. 您应不时查看本网站和本协议是否有任何修改.

